The 7 Myths of Creativity

Mention the word “creativity,” and many people become uncomfortable, often squirming in their chairs. The very thought of being more creative can prompt anxiety, fear, and doubt in even the most accomplished professionals.
Today, let’s explore some common myths round creativity, and uncover the truth behind this often mis-understood topic:
MYTH 1: Creativity is only needed amongst our leaders and executives
TRUTH: In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, creativity applies to each and every one of us. In times of volatility and uncertainty, the companies that’ll will win are the ones that creativity as part of their DNA. Moving forward, consider the concept of EverydayCreativity: fresh ideas and creative problem-solving in every aspect of your roles and responsibilities. Every meeting. Every customer interaction.
MYTH 2: People are creative (or not) based on their roles and responsibilities
TRUTH: Your role has nothing to do with your creativity. There are professional musicians in major symphonies that are great technicians, but don’t use an ounce of creativity. There are also statisticians that are brilliantly creative. They see themselves as “business artists.” Don’t let titles dictate or limit your creativity.
MYTH 3: Creativity can’t be learned or developed
TRUTH: Yes, it absolutely, most definitely can. In fact, as human beings, we all have tremendous creative capacity. It’s our natural state. We just need to develop it. Think of creativity as a muscle.You don’t become a champion bodybuilder without hitting the gym. Similarly, building creative capacity requires some practice and focus. There is an overwhelming amount of scientific research confirming that you can grow your creativity at any age.
MYTH 4: Creativity isn’t my job
TRUTH: Today, creativity is everyone’s job. In order to continue to succeed, creativity must be harnessed at all levels, in all roles. It is no longer just something those “artistic people”do. There isn’t a job function in our organization that can’t benefit developing fresh ideas and finding a better way.
MYTH 5: Creativity can’t be managed or harnessed
TRUTH: Creativity has often lived in the shadows, happening by chance. While businesses have processes for just about everything, no such process previously existed for nurturing creativity. Until now. There are proven systems and processes available to you everywhere to developing and managing your creativity.
MYTH 6: Innovation and creativity are the same thing
TRUTH: Innovation is a subset of creativity. Innovation is typically connected to a new product or service, while creativity is a broader term. Creativity applies not only to new product inventions, but also to creative problem-solving, original approaches to communication, and in the broadest sense – raw imagination of the possibilities. Innovation applies to CEOs and R&D departments. Creativity applies to us all.
MYTH 7: My technical skills and experience are enough
TRUTH: Maybe in the past, but definitely not in the future. Inventive thinking and imagination have become the currency for success in the new world of business…and life. The difference between getting a promotion, making the sale, raising capital, or reaching your true potential lies in your ability to embrace and nurture your creative potential.
As the economy continues to evolve, businesses of every kind are faced with increasingly tough competitors, more challenges, and less time to react. Dispelling the myths, and then harnessing your creativity will be the critical success factor for all of us. Which of these myth are you holding on to?
This week, think about how you can change your thinking in order to change your actions. How will you use your own creativity to make a difference?